Saturday, February 11, 2012

Tired Forever


Hello everyone! I'm so sorry for the lack of posting here. I'm swamped with work and life and just being tired 24/7. I work 8 hour shifts five days a week so sometimes I come home and just veg out in front of the tv. The most I can get myself to do is clean our room and then usually I have to drive back to work to pick up William.

The good new with work on William's part is he should be getting a promotion very soon! At first we thought he'd be made a salesman but now it's looking like he'll be getting some a higher position too. We're really crossing our fingers!
Anyway, that really has been my entire life lately. I've been doing a little painting and even sold a Lovebot for Valentine's Day. Right now I haven't felt any inspiration for sewing, I'm hoping when we move into an apartment and I get can a desk I'll have inspiration again. I'm sure it'll happen.

What have you been up to lately? Today I went to Target and got a good little haul. I finally bought a Brita water filter like I've been wanting for months!

Love and Turtledoves,


  1. Keeping fingers crossed that your plans work out. Look forward to seeing the new Lovebots. They are great little chaps!

  2. Good to have you posting! Sounds like a busy life! Doesn't sound half bad though, I suppose just tiring :) Yay for selling your creations! Must feel so good each time :)
    Best of luck with all the plans, and I gotta give you a big thumbs up for Brita water filters, I just love the one we have at home here!



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