hehe Shabby did my make up yesterday ;)
It's May! Finally the month I've been waiting for. Everything wonderful is happening in these four weeks!
I leave for Hawaii on Wednesday morning, hurray hurray! It seems like Billy and Kacey just got engaged, but that was more like nine months ago! I have the cutest dresses packed, I'm not going to bring jeans at all. I'm ready to look adorable everyday! Their wedding is Saturday and I am really excited to be a bridesmaid. Truthfully it's the first wedding I've really attended. :)
Also, Friday is my birthday! Finally eighteen is here. hehe.
The day after I get home from Hawaii I have a business project to present in my Economics class, but thankfully the teacher let me do it after my own business. I'm a little stressed but it should go swimmingly. I'm really excited to talk to the entire class about it.
Two weeks from this Saturday I'll be with my love again. We'll be celebrating my birthday with his family, which will be amazing! His mom is seriously the cutest little thing ever. I am kinda in love with her. I can't wait to spill on all the great times we'll have that weekend.
Two weeks after that I'll be graduating! Say goodbye high school, I'm out of here. :)
I hope your May is as wonderful as mine will be!
Love and Turtledoves,
that picture of you is super hot ;D