I am seriously loving this time of year! People are slowly putting up their Christmas lights, something I doubt we'll be doing this year, and I am loooving it. I really want to have a night with friends of Christmas light viewing, hot cocoa, and carols. I think I might put up the Christmas tree this week, depending on if it's in the garage or in storage from the move. I want to make my family's first Christmas in this house beeeaaautiful.
In winter my mom and I put white icicle lights on the curtain rods of all the windows. They glow beautifully at night. I currently have them hung up around my mirror in the bathroom, along with heart garland I had made for Valentine's Day this year. I need two more strands so I can light up my room too :)
I also love the fashions of this time of year. I love all the jackets and scarfs I get to break out, oh and the mittens! I recently rediscovered a fingerless pair of mittens I received for Christmas last year. They work wonderfully for texting :) I also love to pair a bright scarf with a darker outfit, I just hope it doesn't rain more. I never remember not to wear suede boots when it's raining...
My absolute favorite thing about Christmas is my two Christmas' with my families. On Christmas eve eve all of my siblings come to Dad and Kathy's house and spend the night (This year all my siblings will be home! Kacey and billy from Hawaii as well as Adam and Emily from San Fransisco! I am smitten♥). Then whoever wakes up earliest, usually me included, gets everyone up and makes hot chocolate and coffee. Then we all have Christmas in our pajamjams around the tree. Then I leave to go to my mother's house where my grandparents come home, and Neil too, and we have Christmas brunch together. These are the memories I cherish the most. I love having my entire families home, together, just being my wonderful families.
What are you favorite things about Christmas? I'd love to know :)
Love and Turtledoves-in-a-pear-tree,
(picture from weheartit, isn't that the most perfect Christmas living room ever? God I'd sleep in there every night.)
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