I have been one busy bee lately! Between school, work (ya know, sewing my fingers off), starting to work out(!), family, & friends, I am swamped! I really adore being so busy, I just feel like I have to make more time for blogging. I know I've been gone a lot lately, but I do want to bring everything back up to speed. :)
This last few weeks I have been hard at work on a five Lovebot order thanks to my wonderful Grandma May. I have made two girls, one girl and two boy to go. Then I just need to think of some cutsie personalities and they are ready to go! I am happy to be sewing and making them, however I never though custom orders could be so overwhelming. I really want to work on a panda, but new creations will have to wait until this fivester is done.
Another HUGE thing on my mind is..... Halloween. INORITE?! so soon. My costume is getting closer and closer to being done, I think I just need some type of a beaded trim and the right shoes. I might buy moccasins or I might just wear my ugg boots, I'm sure either would be cute but it depends on the weather. If it's cold, I'll wear uggs and tights, but if it's warm/onlycool I'll probably get moccasins. I promise to take a ton of pictures. ♥
I've been doing so so much more but I don't want to "wall of text" everyone, haha. I'm enjoying senior year, with my mind on next year. I am so happy with the way my life is lately.
Love and Turtledoves,
P.S. Wheeeeeew tons of "b"s in this post! My "b" key is gone so it's a little difficult. :)