Sunday, June 20, 2010

A wonderful beach day

Today my family and I went to the beach for Father's day, which was an absolute blast. After a few hours of doing nothing because we got there two early, har har, my siblings and their families came and we had a wonderful time!

I wore my Target dress and one piece swim suit, oh and my Target sunglasses. I hate Target. Please excuse my nasty hair. :] Thanks.

We participated in tons of activities today! From extreme-frisbee horseshoes
My Brother Chris, showing my dad how it's done. You have to throw a frisbee through a one foot high hoop. INSANITY!

(This handsome feller is my dad :] )
See the tiny hoop? Do I have to say it again? INSANITY!

To some relaxing Soduko-ing
Kathy, my step mother, adores puzzles. She does the crossword every morning.

We even did some canoeing!

However, the best feat of them all was preformed by Chris. He is VERY proud of this.

I hope all you fathers, men who will some day be fathers, and anyone who knows a father had a wonderful Father's Day. I sure as hell know we did. ♥

Love and Turtledoves,

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