This February, Gala Darling (One of my favorite writers, LOVE HER) is creating the "Playgirl's Guide to Radical Self-Love". It is going to be an amazing month of posts all about us girls. She is going to help spread self-love and help the women of the internet with body image, positive self-talk, and so many other things we tend to lack. To read the post, click the picture above! ;D
I'm so thrilled about this month because I, like just about the rest of the female population, I have body issues. Everyone really does and I'm not sure why they aren't addressed better by the world. I understand that fashion says we should be skinny and the media all says we should be blond, but I never get why we let it get to us. I don't even understand why I let it get to me, because believe me I do. In my worst of slumps I wish I was blond and tiny, but I know neither of those will ever happen! Blond wouldn't suit me and I have large hips so being skinny wouldn't do much anyway, yet I still dwell on it. I'm sure most women are this way. We all know we're beautiful in some way, yet still choose to dwell on our imperfections. This month, my goal will be to dwell on the good things about myself. And I'll add in some daily outfits on the way ;)
Love and turtledoves,
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