Once I decided on a theme, I painted him solid white so that I could do anything I please with him.
It took about three coats of white acrylic paint, with no color showing through when I was done.
Next I turned him a dark green, to look much more like real Yoshi.
Next I gave him bruises, dark patches, and other skin discolorations.
And then the fun began.
I added some over all creepy and zombie-ness.
And here is my finished result. I have to say this is the most fun I've had on an art project in so long. I'm almost sad for it to be done.
If anyone, or anyone you know, is interested in purchasing a vinyl figure like this one, I will be making another soon. Please email me at diamondinthedark-smacko *at* hotmail *dot* com.
Love and Turtledoves,